Tuesday, May 13, 2008

inspiráció és motiváció 20080507

ludwig: fluxus east official, artpool, research, (művészethuliganizmus)

Fluxfilm 02 Dick Higgins - Invocation of Canyons and Boulders (for Stan Brakhage) (1966)

Fluxfilm 05 John Cavanaugh - Blink (1966)

Fluxfilm 07 George Maciunas - 10 Feet (1966)

Fluxfilm 08 George Maciunas - 1000 Frames (1966)

Fluxfilm 09 Yoko Ono - Eye Blink (1966)


Peternák M: „New Asian Waves”, kiállítás June 15–Nov 04, 2007, ZKM | Museum of Contemporary Art [→ www.zkm.de/thermocline], wunderkammer, eilsiegbringitte (brigida rapidavittoria, AW), hoax, hoaxipedia, wordinfo


Blue Noses: Accidental Coincidences, -ról, jodi.org, (uaz wikin), Moholy-Nagy:Tönendes ABC/Hangzó ABC/Sound abc (1932)


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