Tuesday, May 20, 2008
inspiráció és motiváció 20080514
Dominic Patterson: "Selected Details: memory and material in the practice of Matthew Barney, Cornelia Parker, Simon Starling and others..."
Rauschenberg: Erased de Kooning Drawing, 1953 -Sherrie Levine: Fountain, 1991
Neil Clements: Tipton 2008 (Doggerfisher Gallery) - (Frank Stella: Empers of India) - FS: March 6 1969 - (Robert Barry: Inest Gas Series, 1969) - NC Untitled (Hans Haacke: Ölgemalde 1982, Hommage a Marcel Broadhers) - Joseph Kosuth: Clear Square Glass Leaning, 1965-67 -
Albrecht Schafer: Noguchi Split 2008-05-15 -Josiah McElheny: Landscape Model for Total Reflective Abstraction 2004 Early modernism Mirrored and Reflected Infinitely 2004, An End to Modernity 2005 - Jeremy Miller Monument to the Entropy 2007 (Robert Smithson, Hotel Palenque) - Partially Buried woodshed 1970 - Sam Durant: Reflected Upside Down and Backwords,1999
Tacita Dean: Trying to Find the Spiral Jetty, 27 min - (Robert Smithson: Spiral Jetty) - Mike Nelson Triple Bluff Canyon 2004 (Modern Art Oxford) - (Smithson: Museum of the Void 1966-68) - (esszéje: Some Void Thoughs to Museums) - Serra és Smithson a Spiral Jetty-n -
Robert Smithson - transcription of "Hotel Palenque" (1969-72)
Robert Smithson & Nancy Holt East Coast West Coast (1969)
Richard Serra - Hand Catching Lead (1968)
M Barney: Cremaster 3 (Serra és Jasper Jones) - The Order 2003 (párh: Serra: Splashing 1969) - Cre 5 ---- Houdini (Ehrich Weiss 1905) - Ben Lewis - Art Safari: Matthew Barney (2005)
Maria Anna Tapeiner - The Body as a Matrix: Matthew Barney's Cremaster Cycle (2002)
Adorno: museum and mausoleum
Parker: 30 pieces of silver 1988 - (Cornelia Parker: Endless Column, 2006) - Andre Lever: 1966 - Brancusi: Endless Column 1936 - Parker: Drowned Columns 1985 - The Fly that Died on Judd 2001 - The Distance 2003---- Rodin The Kiss, Duchamp: First Pape of Simbolism 1942
Duchamp: 3 standard stoppages, with hidden noise 1916 - Duchamp net, org, understanding, com, ubu, tout-fait, artpool, chron
Maya Deren: Witch’s Cradle (unfinished film) - Mierle Laderman Ukeles: Now that you have heirs/airs (duchamp 1973) - MD Sculpture for Travelling 1918 - Duchamp rézkarcok, lhooq 1919/1941
Alfred Barr diagrammja 1936
Simon Starling: Infestation Piece (Musselled Moore) 2007-08 - Shedboatshed 2005 Basel, Heinzman Unisolar - Simon Starling: Bird is Space, 2004 - Brancusi: Bird in Space 1924 - Duchamp: Bicycle Steel 1913/1951 - Starling a a velencei biennálén, 2003, Autoxylopyrocycloboros (38 slides)
Bas Jan Ader In search of Miraculous - Bas Jan Ader - Selected Works (1970-1971)
TACITA DEAN: KODAK 2006, a 16 mm-es film utolsó tekercsének gyártása. Időtartam: 40 perc -Tacita Dean - Kodak (2006)
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