Tuesday, August 28, 2007
...TELEPORTATION... hacking the documenta
vernissage 01.09. 2007in KASSEL (GER) Treppenstrasse 1 este8 finissage 21.09.2007
Galerie Picant:
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
mma argos
Media, Memory and the Archive
ARGOS, Brussels
http://www.packed.be/, http://www.argosarts.org/
Werfstraat 13 rue du Chantier
B-1000 Brussels
tel +32 2 229 00 03
fax +32 2 223 73 31
Founder and publisher of contemporary art journal Coagula, and author of Most Art Sucks, Mat Gleason, discusses some of the artists presented in the Ovation TV original program Art or Not?, www.OvationTV.com
documenta 12
Documenta 12 blog
(László Zsuzsa es Somlyódy
fluxus east
September 27 to November 4, 2007
Wed - Sun 2-7 pm
Opening: September 26, 7 pm
Künstlerhaus Bethanien
Mariannenplatz 2
D-10997 Berlin
"Vytautas Landsbergis with a cardboard figure of Lt. Colonel Oliver North on a visit in the USA, picture: private"
vetro e verita
Vetro e verità
The Radford University Art Museum
August 30 - November 16, 2007
Jefferson & Main
Radford VA 24142
phone: (504) 831-5754
Lorenza Lucchi Basili, Space seventythree, Prague
Chromogenic print on dibond, 120x80 cm, 2007
Labels: kutatás
Kis magyar performance-történet
(műfaji szemelvények)
2007. augusztus 24-szeptember 23
Szentendrei Képtár (Szentendre, Fő tér 2-5.)
Novella (not yet another story)
24/08 - 07/10/2007 Opening:
24/08/07, 18h
Book launch: 07/10/07, 18h
Reichenbachstr. 2
D-21335 Lüneburg
phone: +49 4131 402001
fax: +49 4131 721344
20 - 22 August, 2007 -- Generali Foundation, Vienna
Wiedner Hauptstraße 15
1040 Wien, Austria
Kép: Dan Graham, "New Design for Showing Videos", 1995 COLLECTION, Exhibition view.
Copyright: Generali Foundation Collection, Vienna, photo: Werner Kaligofsky
- the museum as a public sphere and its audience,
- beyond museums, and
- research, education, production and dissemination of knowledge.
Conference speakers include: Alfred Pacquement -- President of CIMAM and Director, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris; Sabine Breitwieser -- Director, Generali Foundation, Vienna; Peter Weibel -- artist, curator, art- and media theoretician, Director ZKM; Karlsruhe; Charles Esche -- director Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven; Chantal Mouffe -- political theorist, University of Westminster, London; Georg Schöllhammer -- author, curator and editor in chief of Documenta 12 magazines, Vienna; Ann Goldstein -- senior curator, The Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles; Alte Arte/Pavel Braila -- artist, Chisinau/Moldavia and Berlin/Germany; Natasa Ilic -- curator of What, How and for Whom, Zagreb; Florian Pumhösl -- artist and editor of montage, Vienna;Christian Höller -- art and culture theorist, editorial board of Springerin, Vienna; Visiting Professor for Cultural Studies, École Supérieure des Beaux-Arts , Geneva; Lisette Lagnado -- chief curator 27ª Bienal de São Paulo; Gerald Raunig -- philosopher, http://www.eipcp.net, Vienna; East Art Map/IRWIN -- artist group, Ljubljana/Slovenia, presented by Miran Mohar and Borut Vogelnik and Beatrice von Bismarck -- pro-fessor of Art History and Visual Culture, Acadamy of Visual Arts Leipzig, Leipzig/ Berlin.
Marc Gröszer, Margarete Hesse, Magdalena Kallenberger, Peter Thomas
Fr. 17th of August- Thu. 30th of August
Kunstverein INGAN e.V., Brunnenstr. 29, 10119 Berlin/Mitte
2007. aug 16-17. Pécs
Martin Herterich (Svedorszag), Zenial (Lengyelo.), Kriz, r17, ovekk_finn (Budapest)
Periszkop Radio - zenei periferiak
20070821 portrayals
August 12, 2007 - October 14, 2007
The Parrish Art Museum
25 Job's Lane
Southampton, New York 11968
tel. 631.283.2118
fax 631.283.7006
All the More Real: Portrayals of Intimacy and Empathy explores the various strategies artists employ to seduce and/or deflect a viewer's engagement with the physicality of the body and the object of art. Co-curated by artist Eric Fischl and Parrish Art Museum Robert Lehman Curator, Merrill Falkenberg, the exhibition is composed of paintings, sculpture, photography and video and brings together works by a diverse group of contemporary and modern artists including, Vito Acconci, Diane Arbus, Ross Bleckner, Louise Bourgeois, Chuck Close, James Croak, Emily Eveleth, Till Freiwald, Lucien Freud, Tom Friedman, Karel Funk, Tim Gardner, Tierney Gearon, Robert Gober, Joan Goldin, Jeff Hesser, Y.Z. Kami, Elizabeth King, Gustav Klimt, Loretta Lux, Alexandra Moore, Ron Mueck, Catherine Murphy, Alice Neel, Catherine Opie, Evan Penny, Jenny Saville, Egon Schiele, Claudette Schreuders, Joan Semmel, Cindy Sherman, Do Ho Suh and Cynthia Westwood.
Composed of realist and hyper-realist works of art, the exhibition is not concerned with realism per se, rather it is focused on the drive behind realistic imagery: the effort to capture the essence of the thing itself.
Concentrating on major themes such as birth, childhood, intimacy and self-identity, All the More Real presents a range of responses to these experiences, from emotional expressionism to ironic detachment. By creating images and objects that appear to be even more real than the actual thing they represent, these artists reassert the ability of representational objects to convey authenticity, pathos and in many cases, wonder and awe.
Mr. Fischl states, "The representation of the body has been both central to and problematic for Modernism since its nascence at the turn of the century. The recent re-emergence in painting, sculpture and photography that insists on the inescapable presence of the body's physicality is a compelling twist in the events of recent art history. The show explores this phenomenon. The works in the exhibition are powerful, provocative, extremely well crafted and profoundly beautiful."
"All of the works are linked by an underlying sense that the impossibility of ever truly knowing another is an expression of the challenge of truly knowing one's self," notes Ms. Falkenberg.
Saturday, August 04, 2007
Interaktív szalon 20070701-20070825 (MKE-Feszty-ház)
MKE - Interactive Institute (Kista, Svédország)
VII. Arrigo VII. Arrigo Mauzóleum
Kandinszkij érintése szinesztézia koncepció
3D Web szolgáltatás Képek átalakítása 3d modellekké
Hokusai Manga 2 digitális fakszimile
SMALLTALK 3.0 Szegedy-Maszák, Langh, Aczel
Veszprém Megyei Múzeumok igazgatóság kiállítási helyei
Az Istenektől az Istenig kora keresztény templomok virtuális rekonstrukciói (Köln, Xanten, Bonn)