Tuesday, August 21, 2007
- the museum as a public sphere and its audience,
- beyond museums, and
- research, education, production and dissemination of knowledge.
Conference speakers include: Alfred Pacquement -- President of CIMAM and Director, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris; Sabine Breitwieser -- Director, Generali Foundation, Vienna; Peter Weibel -- artist, curator, art- and media theoretician, Director ZKM; Karlsruhe; Charles Esche -- director Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven; Chantal Mouffe -- political theorist, University of Westminster, London; Georg Schöllhammer -- author, curator and editor in chief of Documenta 12 magazines, Vienna; Ann Goldstein -- senior curator, The Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles; Alte Arte/Pavel Braila -- artist, Chisinau/Moldavia and Berlin/Germany; Natasa Ilic -- curator of What, How and for Whom, Zagreb; Florian Pumhösl -- artist and editor of montage, Vienna;Christian Höller -- art and culture theorist, editorial board of Springerin, Vienna; Visiting Professor for Cultural Studies, École Supérieure des Beaux-Arts , Geneva; Lisette Lagnado -- chief curator 27ª Bienal de São Paulo; Gerald Raunig -- philosopher, http://www.eipcp.net, Vienna; East Art Map/IRWIN -- artist group, Ljubljana/Slovenia, presented by Miran Mohar and Borut Vogelnik and Beatrice von Bismarck -- pro-fessor of Art History and Visual Culture, Acadamy of Visual Arts Leipzig, Leipzig/ Berlin.
20 - 22 August, 2007 -- Generali Foundation, Vienna
Wiedner Hauptstraße 15
1040 Wien, Austria
Kép: Dan Graham, "New Design for Showing Videos", 1995 COLLECTION, Exhibition view.
Copyright: Generali Foundation Collection, Vienna, photo: Werner Kaligofsky
- the museum as a public sphere and its audience,
- beyond museums, and
- research, education, production and dissemination of knowledge.
Conference speakers include: Alfred Pacquement -- President of CIMAM and Director, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris; Sabine Breitwieser -- Director, Generali Foundation, Vienna; Peter Weibel -- artist, curator, art- and media theoretician, Director ZKM; Karlsruhe; Charles Esche -- director Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven; Chantal Mouffe -- political theorist, University of Westminster, London; Georg Schöllhammer -- author, curator and editor in chief of Documenta 12 magazines, Vienna; Ann Goldstein -- senior curator, The Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles; Alte Arte/Pavel Braila -- artist, Chisinau/Moldavia and Berlin/Germany; Natasa Ilic -- curator of What, How and for Whom, Zagreb; Florian Pumhösl -- artist and editor of montage, Vienna;Christian Höller -- art and culture theorist, editorial board of Springerin, Vienna; Visiting Professor for Cultural Studies, École Supérieure des Beaux-Arts , Geneva; Lisette Lagnado -- chief curator 27ª Bienal de São Paulo; Gerald Raunig -- philosopher, http://www.eipcp.net, Vienna; East Art Map/IRWIN -- artist group, Ljubljana/Slovenia, presented by Miran Mohar and Borut Vogelnik and Beatrice von Bismarck -- pro-fessor of Art History and Visual Culture, Acadamy of Visual Arts Leipzig, Leipzig/ Berlin.