Friday, November 23, 2007

20071120 misc

Charles-François Toustain and René-Prosper Tassin. Nouveau traité de diplomatique. Vol. 3 of 6. Quarto. Paris: Guillaume Desprez, 1750-65. Saint John’s Rare Book Collection.

Many decades after the appearance of Mabillon’s great De re diplomatica, two later Maurists, C.F. Toustain (1700-54) and R.P. Tassin (1697-1777) undertook to expand the scope of the original work in this French study containing many more palaeographical samples. Published anonymously, the Nouveau traité exemplified the collaborative spirit of Maurist scholarship: just as Mabillon collaborated with and then completed the work of Luc d’Achery on the Acta sanctorum, and Martène completed Mabillon’s work on the Annales, so Toustain and Tassin collaborated on the Nouveau traité, which was left to Tassin to complete after Toustain’s death. The page shown illustrates various early medieval semi-uncial scripts.

Jean Mabillon. De re diplomatica libri vi (“Six books on diplomatics”).

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