Thursday, February 21, 2008

20080221 misc

20080223-25 VIVA FOTOFILM Előadás- és vetítéssorozat a Ludwig Múzeum - Kortárs Művészeti Múzeumban

Komoróczky Tamás, Németh Hajnal: Lada project Berlin
20080223, szombat, 17-22h MKE Intermédia Tanszék

Graeme Miller (UK) BEHELD/Potyautasok Beheld – Richmond, Surrey, United Kingdom 2006 © Graeme Miller
Interaktív installáció az Óbudai Társaskör Galériában Február 19 és Március 9 között.

Ten bowls contain images of the sky recorded at sites where stowaways have fallen from aircraft. The last of my trips, like the first, involves traipsed-earth in search of information, lain-on ground in search of sky. This is the Black Forest, Germany, near the Swiss border. It is vivid spring and beech forest and green meadows have unbounded energy at a season which crowns the Pagan-Catholic yer. Here land and human culture have shaped each other.
But the lid is open. This is the junction of flight paths to Zürich over the border. At peak hours the planes roll overhead every 2 minutes and the birds only get a few seconds of audible tweeting before the next jet cannons in. The horizon line still separates the elements of earth and air, but here the air is busier – more populated than the land. There's more shopping going on up there that down here in the woods.
Planes still over-fly nearly all the sites where landing gear was once lowered and hidden passengers ejected and still pass over the site where 14 year old Solomon Fusi fell. He is buried nearby with local earth and granite set with flowers and a perpetual candle, the only Cameroonian, I su
spect, alive or dead in the area. He is held in death where alive he would have felt quite lost.
he man who fell into an allotment garden in a Paris suburb is buried in an unmarked, unvisited grave in the town cemetery. The man who fell into a garden in a neighbouring town has marked on his tombstone, Voyageur Inconnu, Tu as cherché une terre promise. Maintenant reposé en Paix. Acknowledged, unacknowledged, held and not, some bodies have been repatriated, others lost in bureaucracy, one remaining in the morgue. The fate of the remains varies. Some I don't know. The story of how they got there is often hidden too, but the joining thread is the landing of one narative into another. The story of a subsistance farmer and the stories of those who buy garden furniture are wedded in a sudden falling moment in a Homebase car park in Richmond. Even the unreadable narratives arrived suddenly and from above and so make their mark.
In Lauchringen, Solomon's headstone bears a map of Africa that picks up Cameroon's location. It expresses a trade of places. Each journey, no matter how global its social and political roots spread, or how strong the desperation and adventure behind it ends in this exchange of place – whether the traveller survives to bottom-rung in the hustle of New York or the margins of a white French village, or if they die.
Here the Swiss border has lost its significance of 65 years ago. The borders have migrated east and defend lines of wealth. They are still mined and fenced. BEHELD does not mark the migrant lives lost in no-man's land, nor at sea, in containers or under lorries, nor even the many souls found in undercarriges at airports. BEHELD is not exatly a work of mourning, a Trauerarbeit, but more one of geography. The horizon is the border that mediates other frontiers – separating races, cultures, individuals, the living from the dead. Those who fell through it fell from common sky
into land of complicated memberships and privacies, hedged on all sides but one.
Graeme Miller, Luchringen, Germany, May 2006.

"Pesti Eladhatatlan"*
Don Péter és El-Hassan Róza ötlete alapján
08. február 27 – március 16. Olaf Palme ház
"Abszolút eladhatóság vagy eladhatatlanság nincs. Az eladhatóság éppúgy ízlés-, kor- és szituációfüggő, mint a vásárlási szándék. Minden művészettörténész ismeri azt a jelenséget, hogy egy-egy műtárgy más időben és más helyen sokkal többet vagy kevesebbet ér, mint például a létrejöttekor." Don Péter

2008 Sobey Art Award, Image above:
Black Whole Conference | 2006, 72 Chairs, 400cm in diameter.

bonus track: Pacsika, Szentendre, 20060901

PULSE New York
Thursday, March 27 - Sunday, March 30
Magdalena Correa,Mantos Blancos (2008)
Color photography on glossy paper
Courtesy of Galeria Antonio de Barnola.

artkrush 78 Animation Art February 20-March 4, 2008

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