Saturday, August 02, 2008

misc 20080802

üvegsziget ("... Sir John Mandeville ... sohasem élt, össze vissza hazudozott, angol volt ... legtávolabbi utazása a közeli kölcsönkönyvtárig vezetett.")

wiki.eng,, britannicában, hoaxmuseum: (Illustration from the earliest printed edition of Mandeville's Travels showing some of the various races and species that Mandeville claimed to have encountered, including (clockwise from top left): the wild men with horns and hoofs; the people with eyes in their shoulders; the folk that have but one foot; and the vegetable lamb)

Phillips, J.R.S. (1988). The Medieval Expansion of Europe. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Milton, Giles. (1996). The Riddle and the Knight: In Search of Sir John Mandeville, the World's Greatest Traveller. Picador USA.

e-book: The Travels of Sir John Mandeville by Sir John Mandeville


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