Saturday, November 01, 2008
misc 20081029
---- FOUR, Dublin
---- The Kitchen, New York,
---- MMK ZOLLAMT, Frankfurt,
---- Glasgow Sculpture Studios,
---- IFPDA Print Fair, October 30 - November 2, 2008, New York
---- GALERIJA GALŽENICA, Velika Gorica (HR)
---- Magasin 3 Stockholm Konsthall, Stockholm
itt: Douglas Gordon és Philippe Parreno filmje: "Zidane - A 21st Century Portrait" (2006, 91 min.) nov1-dec 14, 2009
---- Dublin City Gallery The Hugh Lane
---- Magyar Irodalmi Szerzői Jogvédő és Jogkezelő Egyesület (MISZJE)
---- Project Arts Centre, Dublin
---- Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo (MOT)
---- Kapitány András: Alaprajz nélküli építészet II. 2008. okt 28-nov 30, Collegium Budapest
---- ACAX | Nemzetközi Kortárs Képzőművészeti Iroda újul, ACAX | Agency for Contemporary Art Exchange
---- Crosstalk Video Art Festival, Budapest ( havonta "Video presentations", a Laborban (
---- Jeu de Paume – Concorde, Paris, itt: Christophe Bruno: The Dadameter, October 21, 2008 - April 5, 2009
"The Dadameter is a tool for the profiling of language at large scale and the historical tracking of artistic and literary movements. It brings about a new alliance between art, science and global finance. We use up-to-date 2.0 trend analysis and data visualization technologies, neural networks, graph theory or quantitative structural linguistics in order to be able to predict the next artistic craze".
Christophe Bruno lives and works in Paris. Since 2001, he has been working on the effects of globalisation in the fields of language and images. The Dadameter is a global rating designed to measure our distance from Dada. Inspired by Raymond Roussel and his method, this project satirises the recent transmutation of language into a global market governed by Google. It uses the latest control and surveillance technologies in order to draw a large-scale map of language. The Dadameter project will be adapted for the online art space.
---- IMAL, Center for Digital Cultures and Technology, Brussels, itt GEO GOO (Info Park), JODI (, the Belgian-Dutch duo pioneer of Net Art, explores the relations between the world we build through the Internet and the one based on our past mental and physical maps. Services such as GoogleMaps have changed radically our worldview by making the Globe accessible as a commercial multi-user surface. Mapping these online geometrical constructs to reality and vice versa, overlaying their figures as jogging paths, The 'Parc Royal' of Brussels (Warande Park) becomes an INFO Park revealing symbols and mysteries of the capitale of Belgium and Europe, amplifying or deconstructing them through an intricate web of data and associations.
For centuries, geometry has been overloaded with symbols, starting from pure mathematical objects to esoteric and mystic signs, hiding in complex figures meanings to be revealed to the gurus, the persons in the know or the psychedelic explorers. Geometrical shapes and lines were drawn on the territories, the cities, the architectures and the monuments or the crop fields. The Royal Parc of Brussels is a well known example with its triangle + circle = Masonic compass. JODI is connecting this long tradition of tracing geometry on the ground with the new geometries one can draw on the surface of the Earth as proposed by online tools such as Google Maps and Google Earth. Of course, the duo of artists draws in a pure JODI style: hectic and free traces resulting from extreme coding and hacking. As they always did since their first web pages in 1995, JODI uses the codes of Internet (e.g. html) and the codes inside the computers (binary) as their artistic material. They paved the way for Net Art and renewed Computer Arts as much as Nam June Paik opened new fields for video art. But the work of JODI plays also with the processes of coding/decoding, of deciphering cryptic data in a chaotic surface. Messages are hidden, only visible to the ones who will dare to dig into the code (see In the exhibition GEOGOO (Info Park), many things can be constructed into meanings, it just depends on you and your capacity to disconnect and reconnect: the radial glimpses of the sunshines in the video, the 3 DJ turntables laid on a perfect triangle at the visitor's disposal (backmasking!), the jogging walks through Brussels roundabouts. And if you can not reconfigure, just contemplate, it is beautifully rewarding.
More on
JODI's site :
About JODI
Jodi's work (, the pioneer belgian/dutch duo of Net Art (Joan Heemskerke/NL - Dirk Paesmans/BE), has been included in many international exhibitions and festivals: Documenta X in 1997, Rotterdam (DEAF98), ZKM (net_condition, 2000), Tokyo (2001, 2002), Madrid (Arco/De-game, 2001), Berlin (Transmediale: 1997, 2000, 2002, 2006), New York (1997, 2003, Guggenheim/2004, 2005, 2007), Chicago (ISEA97), Plug-In (Basle, 2002), Paris (Centre Pompidou/2003, 2004, 2006), SFMOMA (San Francisco, 2004), Montevideo (Amsterdam, 2006), or more recently at the Stedelijk Museum (Amsterdam) in the 'Deep Screen - Art in Digital Culture Proposal for Municipal Art Acquisitions 2008'. In 1999, they received a Webby Award in the Arts category, proclaiming in their compulsory five-word acceptance speech, 'Ugly corporate sons of bitches!'
---- Gallery by Night 2008 három intézmény - a prágai Centre for Contemporary Art FUTURA, a kassai Make-up Collective és a Fiatal Képzőművészek Stúdiója Egyesület - együttműködésében valósul meg.
---- Trafó Galéria, itt: Joanna Rajkowska: Légitársaság, 2008.10.30 - 2008.11.30
---- Museum Morsbroich, Leverkusen, The 49th October Salon, Artist-Citizen, Contextual artistic practices
Belgrade, September 26 – November 9 2008
Dan Perjovsci, drawing, 2008
---- Independent Curators International, New York
Artist Video Profile Launch - October 21, 2008
”Founded in 1975, iCI is a non-profit organization dedicated to enhancing the understanding and appreciation of contemporary art through traveling exhibitions and other activities that reach a diverse national and international audience. Collaborating with a wide range of eminent curators, iCI develops innovative traveling exhibitions, accompanied by catalogues and other educational materials, to introduce and document challenging new work in all mediums by younger as well as more established artists from the United States and abroad.”
---- ”TalkingPointFilms is a video production company formed in 2005 by Matt Bertles and Michael Klein. With over 50 films to their credit, each film delivers stimulating stories about art with a distinct focus on the individual artist. This is achieved by creating a venue for artists and other industry professionals to discuss their projects on film. This New York-based organization produces films with a simple philosophy-turn a camera on and allow the stories to unfold.”
----- Gilles, Felix Deleuze, Guattari "1440: The Smooth and the Striated"
Chapter 14 from A Thousand Plateaus, itt:
----- Surányi László: Megszólít vagy elvarázsol? A zene szelleméről, Typotex Kiadó, 2008, isbn: 9789632790091 róla
---- New Interviews/Reviews on Furtherfield Oct 08.
----, Bristol
---- EAST COAST EUROPE, szerk Markus Miessen
2008, Sternberg Press, Berlin & New York, Zalozba ZRC, Ljubljana ISBN 978-1-933128-49-8
---- is an open resource designed to connect knowledge, ideas and
experiences among artists, organisations and people interested in this area.
It aims to be an accessible and useful shared tool for those who use, or
seek to use, creative technologies to work with people and / or realise
public work.
---- Surányi László matematikus, filozófus: Hol kezdődik a tudományfilozófia?
hozzá irodalom:
Szabó Lajos: Tény és titok, Pannon Panteon, 1999
Thomas S. Kuhn: A tudományos forradalmak szerkezete. Bp.,1984, 2004.
Surányi László: Metaaxiomatikai problémák, Typotex, 1997 és itt
Surányi László: Szabadság és geometria: Logosz és ananké harca a geometriában, Typotex, 2002, a neten itt
Surányi László: Descartes, Bolyai. Lobacsevszkij, a neten itt
Mircea Eliade: Az örök visszatérés mítosza avagy a Mindenség és történelem, Európa, 1998,
Surányi László 3. előadása itt---- Csörgő Attila Nam June Paik díjáról Mélyi József ír a tranziton, Peternák Miklós: Möbius-tér, az exindexen, Szolga Hajnal: Nagy érdekeltségű szűk kör, szintén exindex. Csörgő Attila online