Friday, March 06, 2009
misc 20090306
---- KAI 10 – Raum fuer Kunst, Duesseldorf
---- Marres, Centre for Contemporary Culture, Maastricht itt: The Russian Schizorevolution: an exhibition that might have been March 1st - May 31st 2009
---- Office for Contemporary Art Norway, Oslo
---- FOUR, Dublin
---- X, New York
---- Art Pavilion Zagreb, itt: Looking at Others
---- Project Arts Centre, Dublin
---- Royal Hibernian Academy, Gallagher Gallery, Dublin
---- Deutsche Guggenheim, Berlin
---- MGLC International Centre of Graphic Arts, Ljubljana
---- Antidatamining is a series of visualizations of financial data extracted from the web. Economy is represented by its main agents - companies, groups and holdings, stock exchanges, banks and investment funds - and their interactions : capital relationships, geographic deployments, structuralization on market places. Beyond the current crisis, its mediatic and polictic levers, Antidatamining is a permanent monitoring device, which aims to highlight the structure of the contemporary economy, seen as a complex dynamic system.
---- Boris Groys: Religion in the Age of Digital Reproduction, itt: e-flux journal issue #4, March 2009
---- Flash Art International No.265 (March-April 2009), itt DAN GRAHAM Violaine Boutet de Monvel-lel beszélget, 56. old
---- frieze editor’s blog
---- Art Lover: a.k.a. Álneves művészek, művészi álnevek, Orpheusz Kiadó, Budapest, 2006, 136 p., ill., ff
---- Beke László: Elképzelés. A magyar konceptművészet kezdetei. Beke László Gyűjteménye, 1970., Nyílt Struktúrák Művészeti Egyesület OSAS –, Budapest, 2008, 219 p., ill., színes [Az "Elképzelés"-ről]