Tuesday, March 17, 2009

misc 20090317


---- BAVO: "Always Choose the Worst Option. Artistic Resistance and the Strategy of Over-Identification"
---- The Politics in the Room - In Eight Chapters, 16 March - 16 April
---- Kaleidoscope. A contemporary magazine (Milánó)
---- Florian Cramer "Concepts, notations, software art"
----"textz.com", róla Sebastian Luetgert itt
---- A közismertségről: tranzitblog offline beszámoló (esemény 2009. 03.05.)
---- METROPOLIS M , benne Claire Fontaine-ről (F)


---- MAMbo - Museo d'Arte Moderna di Bologna, Bologna
---- LUX, London http://www.lux.org.uk
---- BAM, Flemish institute for visual, audiovisual and media art, itt: 'arts flanders 08: visual and audiovisual arts'
---- NKV nassauischer kunstverein wiesbaden
---- CGAC (Galician Center for Contemporary Art), Santiago de Compostela
---- The National Museum of Contemporary Art (emst), Athén, itt: SHIRIN NESHAT, WOMEN WITHOUT MEN, 2009 márc 18-máj 31.
”...presents the new monumental opus of the international Iranian- American artist Shirin Neshat, Women without Men, which begun in 2004 and was completed in 2008. Neshat's new work is based on a banned book from 1989 by the Iranian author Shahrnush Parsipur. The novel is set in 1953, the year when the democratically elected prime minister, Mohammad Mossadegh, vainly tried to avert a coup d'état mounted by American and British forces, whose task it was to reinstate the Shah as an absolute ruler in order to avoid the nationalisation of the country's oil resources...”


---- made in china vol. 1, sinkovics ede, magyar műhely galéria, 2009. márc 18-ápr 10., ede blog: http://museschinkovich.blogspot.com/
---- Carlos Katastrofsky: webzen, 2009, webpage on servere>A Koan: “All things can be traced back to the One, to what, however, can the One be traced back?” - “Untitled Document” is written on top of the browser window. No name, no content, no design: a webpage as simple as it can be. Still the work webzen (2009) demands outmost concentration. Clicking from one page to the next, the neverending quest for links is leading further, the skimming through pieces of information and the scanning of texts and pictures is interrupted - which is irritating. webzen is an attempt to abandon representational thinking, to understand life as utterly art of absent-mindedness and to experience the reality beyond duality and logic and beyond space and time. webzen has only one assignment: the single-serving site wants to overcome itself by means of meditating on the basic formulas of sourcecode: , , , system, spirit, concept, body. But overcoming would only have been possible if the site would have never existed. - another Koan: “All things can be traced back to the code, to what, however, can the code be traced back?”
---- periprojekció
---- Contemporary Drawing Fair 09, Párizs, 2009 márc 26-29.
---- Videonale e.V. im Kunstmuseum Bonn, 2009 márc 26-ápr 26
---- SUZ-Game, Soviet Unterzoegersdorf (pronounced «oon-taa-tsee-gars-doorf») is the last existing client republic of the USSR. The soviet enclave maintains no diplomatic relationship with the surrounding so-called "Republic of Austria" or with the capitalist fortress "European Union". The downfall of the people's motherland – the Soviet Union -- in the early 1990s had a devastating effect on the country’s intra-economic situation. External reactionary forces threatened the last remaining proletarian paradise. Party secretary Wladislav Gomulka has been kidnapped and is being held in US-Oberzoegersdorf. We must save comrade Gomulka! Because communism isn't an opinion. It's a promise. Crest, Daria Prawda, Bre Pettis -- and many more.
---- Biotech Art – Revisited, 2009, ápr 8-máj 2. (experimental art foundation, Lion Arts Centre North Tce [West End] Adelaide South Australia)
ARTISTS/SCIENTISTS Trish Adams, Bio-Kino (Guy Ben-Ary & Tanja Visosevic), BioHome (Catherine Fargher & Terumi Narushima), André Brodyk, Gary Cass & Donna Franklin, (bioalloy) FOaM (Maja Kuzmanovic & Nik Gaffney), Niki Sperou, Paul Thomas in collaboration with Kevin Raxworthy, Tissue Culture & Art Project (Oron Catts & Ionat Zurr)
---- Vákuumzaj (pdf) a trafóban, 2009 feb 5 - márc 29., róla dromidriver, TGM bevezetője (résztvevők: Doa Aly, Chen Chieh-Jen, Csákány István, Harun Farocki, Isa Rosenberger, Artur Żmijewski)
ehhez kapcsolódva ld Harun Farocki: Négy film, március 17 és 18 / KINO
Harun Farocki német dokumentum- és kísérleti filmes alkotó, író. Munkáiban a képek mögötti láthatatlan, de feltárható más képeket, szándékokat, hatalmi viszonyokat, a képolvasás és a filmnézés politikai és társadalmi beágyazottságát vizsgálja. Jellemzően archív anyagokkal, talált vagy újra-fellelt filmekkel dolgozik, filmesszéket ír a vágóasztalon, amelyekben a metaforikusan vagy leplezetlen didaxissal szerkesztett képek egymást értelmezik.
Haladék / Respite / Aufschub, 2007, 40min, beta, ff, néma
Börtönképek / Gefängnisbilder / Prison Images, 2000, 60 min, beta, ff + színes.
Két háború közt / Zwischen zwei Kriegen / Between two Wars, 1978, 83min, 16mm, ff (Fatos Ustek: http://thelostmoment.blogspot.com/)
A látás útja / Wie man sieht / As you see, 1986, 72min, 16mm, ff + színes
---- „The Manchester Small-Scale Experimental Machine (SSEM), nicknamed Baby, was the world's first stored-program computer... it ran its first program on June 21, 1948.” http://www.digital60.org

---- David Link: Alpha 60 technologies, alpha60.de

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