Monday, May 04, 2009
misc 20090504
---- Lawrence Lessig: Remix, 2008, The Bloomsbury Academic Press, ISBN: 978-1408113479, letölthető pdf-ben
---- "$urplus Spinoza, Lacan", A. KIARINA KORDELA,
[from the back cover] $urplus s p i n o z a , l ac a n Opposing both popular “neo-Spinozisms” (Deleuze, Negri, Hardt, Israel) and their Lacanian critiques (Zizek and Badiou), Surplus ...
---- ""Is Gender Necessary? Redux"", Ursula K. Le Guin,
1976/1987 essay by Le Guin on her novel The Left Hand of Darkness
---- 50° nord contemporary art review, Maubeuge
---- Revising the Map: Modulated Mapping and The Spatial Interface (pdf)---- Parsons Journal for Information Mapping (PJIM)
---- Café Bábel lapbemutató:TEKINTÉLY, május 7, Sirály
---- Gerald Raunig: Art and Revolution - Transversal Activism in the Long Twentieth Century. róla Rob Myers itt
---- Nam June Paik Archive Goes to the Smithsonian, nytimes
---- Fiatal Kortárs Állásfoglalások, web, 2009. május 09-31. Pécs, Zsolnay Gyár E26
---- GAMA - GAMA: Gateway to Archives of Media Art (Kapu a mediamuveszeti archivumokhoz / Videotorteneti anzix) a laborban 2009. május 5. – 16
A GAMA konzorcium: Akademia Gorniczo-Hutnicza, Krakkó * Akademie der Bildenden Kunste, Bécs * argos, interdisciplinary centre for art and audiovisual media, Brüsszel * Atos Origin s.a.e., Madrid * C3 Center for Culture & Communication, Budapest * CIANT International Centre for Art and New Technologies, Prága * Heure Exquise !, Mons-en-Baroeul * Hochschule fur Gestaltung und Kunst, Zürich * Hochschule fur Kunste Bremen, Bréma * Hogeschool vorr den Kunsten, Utrecht * (in]2 :: intelligent indexing, Bréma * Les INSTANTS VIDEO Numeriques et poetiques, Marseille * Ludwig Boltzmann Institut Media. Kunst. Forschung, Linz * Nederlands Instituut voor Mediakunst Montevideo/Time based Arts, Amsterdam * SCCA Center for Contemporary Arts, Ljubljana * Staatliche Hochschule fur Gestaltung Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe * Stiftelsen Filmform, Stockholm * Technologie-Zentrum Informatik, Universität Bremen, Bréma * Universitat de Barcelona, Laboratori de Mitjans Interactius, Barcelona
Tovabbi informaciok:,
---- Bogna Burska,
---- Open Source Amsterdam
---- Netwerk / center for contemporary art, Aalst
---- Arp Museum Bahnhof Rolandseck, Remagen, Germany