Monday, May 11, 2009
misc 20090511
---- THE OLD BRAND NEW, a multidisciplinary lecture series revolving around
the concepts ‘old’ and ‘new’ in the arts, Amsterdam
---- Georges Bataille "Blue of Noon" Novel
---- Georges Bataille "Story Of The Eye" Novel
---- Deleuze, Gilles & Felix Guattari "Capitalism-A Very Special Delirium" Paper
---- OTT digitalis zenei folyoirat (Tartalom: 5- Stefan Heyer: Az egy es a nulla kozt. Kiserlet John Cage-rol, 12- Dave Benson: Mi a hang?, 15- Max Mathews: Mi a hangos?, 21- Matteo Meneghini: Komponalasi technikak analizise John Chowning Stria c. muveben, 37- David Dunn: Egy tortenet az elektronikus zene úttoroirol (1. resz))---- TATE ETC. Issue 16, benne: Claire Bishop and Boris Groys on Futurism and participation
---- MaHKUzine Journal of Artistic Research, Utrecht
---- balkonban (2009/4): Bódi Kinga: „Nem mindig ember, a ki sorsot intéz” (Baglyas Erika: Ember tervez), és Balázs Katalin: Ismeretlen tájak, Honvágy ismeretlen táj iránt, Chilf Mária installációjáról (kép itt :ballon), és Szikra Renáta: Függő(leges) kertek – lebegő kertek
---- e-flux journal issue #6: EXCAVATING THE FUTURE
May 2009, benne: "We are moving toward the end of the exploitation of nature, of work, of trade, of predation, of separation from the self, of sacrifice, of guilt, of the forsaking of happiness, of the fetishizing of money, of power, of hierarchy, of contempt for and fear of women, of the misleading of children, of intellectual dominion, of military and police despotism, of religions, of ideologies, of repression and the deadly resolutions of psychic tensions," claims Raoul Vaneigem in Hans Ulrich Obrist's conversation with the Belgian writer, philosopher, and former member of the Situationist International. Vaneigem reminds us of a moment when (or a place where) it seemed as if we brushed up against the future we wanted, or at least the conditions for imagining ideal scenarios for living. (itt)
---- Motorenhalle, Drezda
---- Foksal Gallery, Varsó
---- Horsecross, Perth, itt: Figure Skating, Julita Wojcik (youtube)
---- PAVILION UNICREDIT - center for contemporary art & culture, Bukarest
---- Binarykatwalk „is an online exhibition space for experimental digital work.
Each edition will feature artists from around the world and from different
points in the spectrum of new media. We begin with the joker prince of new media, Vuk Cosic.”
néz, hall::::
---- Külföldi tapasztalatok a ‘89 utáni muvészetben, SocialEast Szeminárium,
Ludwig Múzeum 2009. május 7. km: Maja and Reuben Fowkes(Translocal), Nataša Petrešin-Bachelez (Curator, Paris/Ljubljana), Nada Prlja (Artist, Macedonia/UK), Diana McCarty (Media activist, Berlin), Szabolcs Kisspal (Artist, Budapest), EIKE, Katarina Sevic, Claudia Martins, Alexander Schikowski, Catherine Burki, David Wilkinson, Amy Bryzgel (University of Aberdeen), Lena Prents (Curator, Berlin), Oleksiy Radynski (National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy)
---- Benedek Barna: Szignál, Csepel Galéria, 2009 május 11-29.
---- Kortars Hangmuveszeti eloadassorozat, 2009 május 6-8
Shinji Kanki (Japan), Toth Pal, Robert Pravda (Hollandia), Jozef Cseres (Szlovakia), Daniel Door es Flow Defoe (Nemetorszag),
---- Temporary City - Pécs, Hungary / Közelítés Művészeti Egyesület, 2009 május 15-24
---- minimamedia modernmusik