Thursday, May 28, 2009
misc 20090519
---- Hannes Böhringer: Daidalosz vagy Diogenész. Építészet- és művészetfilozófiai írások ---- Kritikos V.6 March-April 2009, benne: She is Late...(n.ruiz)
---- Kaleidoscope, Milánó néz,
---- The Migrating Art Academies project
----, in memoriam antal istván juszuf
---- H.W.A.Á. – Free Your Mind, Albert Ádám, Heidi Wood, 2009. május 19-június 9. web
---- simultan festival, temesvár, május 21-23, yt, ms
---- BINARIES, Allan Siegel, 2009. május 29-júni 25. web
---- "Let Me Out!" Installation (parrot cage with dead parrot) Ondrej Brody & Kristofer Paetau will present a living sculpture in their booth at the Subversiv Messe in Linz 2009. They will present their loving pet “Marcel”, an African Grey Parrot (Psittacus erithacus) emprisoned in a golden cage. It is expected that Marcel will a perform a short and heart breaking speech in the booth throughout the Subversive Messe crying: „LET ME OUT!“ – and thus addressing a direct request to the visitors of the „subversive fair“ and making a comment on ‚subversion in a golden cage’. The parrot yawl will be omnipresent at the fair and confronting the visitors with an exotic pet crying for freedom.
---- patapoe radio. 88.3 FM,
---- Climate Bubbles is a locative media-meets-citizen science project by Drew Hemment, Alfie Dennen and Carlo Buontempo.
---- Parhuzamos kronologiak - A kiallitasok lathatatlan tortenete kiallitas, Labor: majus 26 - junius 13, Kretakor Bazis: majus 30 - junius 13,
---- archivo ESCORIA nuevos medios ecuador,
---- migros museum für gegenwartskunst, Zürich
---- g-mk, galerija miroslav kraljevic, Zágráb
---- Cream Contemporary, Berlin
---- Netwerk / center for contemporary art, Aalst, Belgium,
---- GAK Bremen, Künstlerhaus Bremen, Halle für Kunst Lüneburg, Kunstverein Harburger Bahnhof
---- The Drawing Room, London
---- Bloomberg SPACE, London, itt Dan Perjovschi and Jadranka Kosorcic, 2009 05 07-23.
---- MAMbo - Museo d'Arte Moderna di Bologna
---- seventeengallery, London
---- AUSTRIAN CULTURAL FORUM, NEW YORK, kép: Shadi Ghadirian, Domestic Life #61, 2002 itt: THE SEEN AND THE HIDDEN: (DIS)COVERING THE VEIL MAY 22 – AUG 29, 2009 THE SEEN AND THE HIDDEN: (DIS)COVERING THE VEIL The woman's veil is one of the most symbolically charged pieces of clothing in contemporary dress; it is provocative even when it is not revealing. With roots in the three Abrahamic religions, it has become one of the most visible icons of contemporary Islam. The wearing of the veil conveys conflicting ideas of faith, sexuality and public life and thus raises a host of questions and tensions between religion and identity. It represents an important cultural tradition yet remains a very personal practice for women as well as a symbol communicated to others within the public sphere. The wearing of the veil has caused heated discussion worldwide - both in Europe and the United States, but also in countries where Islam is the prevalent religion. Often rejected as a symbol of backwardness and oppression, veiling has simultaneously become a symbol that stresses the significance of protection, privacy, morality and piety. By examining the positions of contemporary artists from the Greater Middle East (Iraq, Iran, Turkey, Pakistan), Europe (Austria, France, Germany) and North America (New York, Canada), this exhibition intends to be a trans-cultural exploration of the numerous approaches to the ideas that surround both the literal and metaphorical meaning of the veil. It includes works in a variety of media such as video, installation, photography, and painting. The Seen and the Hidden: (Dis)covering the Veil at the Austrian Cultural Forum is presented in conjunction with Muslim Voices: Arts and Ideas, an unprecedented ten-day festival in New York City celebrating Islamic culture.
---- Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona (MACBA)
---- Hannes Böhringer: Daidalosz vagy Diogenész. Építészet- és művészetfilozófiai írások ---- Kritikos V.6 March-April 2009, benne: She is Late...(n.ruiz)
---- Kaleidoscope, Milánó néz,
---- The Migrating Art Academies project
----, in memoriam antal istván juszuf
---- H.W.A.Á. – Free Your Mind, Albert Ádám, Heidi Wood, 2009. május 19-június 9. web
---- simultan festival, temesvár, május 21-23, yt, ms
---- BINARIES, Allan Siegel, 2009. május 29-júni 25. web
---- "Let Me Out!" Installation (parrot cage with dead parrot) Ondrej Brody & Kristofer Paetau will present a living sculpture in their booth at the Subversiv Messe in Linz 2009. They will present their loving pet “Marcel”, an African Grey Parrot (Psittacus erithacus) emprisoned in a golden cage. It is expected that Marcel will a perform a short and heart breaking speech in the booth throughout the Subversive Messe crying: „LET ME OUT!“ – and thus addressing a direct request to the visitors of the „subversive fair“ and making a comment on ‚subversion in a golden cage’. The parrot yawl will be omnipresent at the fair and confronting the visitors with an exotic pet crying for freedom.
---- patapoe radio. 88.3 FM,
---- Climate Bubbles is a locative media-meets-citizen science project by Drew Hemment, Alfie Dennen and Carlo Buontempo.
---- Parhuzamos kronologiak - A kiallitasok lathatatlan tortenete kiallitas, Labor: majus 26 - junius 13, Kretakor Bazis: majus 30 - junius 13,
---- archivo ESCORIA nuevos medios ecuador,
---- migros museum für gegenwartskunst, Zürich
---- g-mk, galerija miroslav kraljevic, Zágráb
---- Cream Contemporary, Berlin
---- Netwerk / center for contemporary art, Aalst, Belgium,
---- GAK Bremen, Künstlerhaus Bremen, Halle für Kunst Lüneburg, Kunstverein Harburger Bahnhof
---- The Drawing Room, London
---- Bloomberg SPACE, London, itt Dan Perjovschi and Jadranka Kosorcic, 2009 05 07-23.
---- MAMbo - Museo d'Arte Moderna di Bologna
---- seventeengallery, London
---- AUSTRIAN CULTURAL FORUM, NEW YORK, kép: Shadi Ghadirian, Domestic Life #61, 2002 itt: THE SEEN AND THE HIDDEN: (DIS)COVERING THE VEIL MAY 22 – AUG 29, 2009 THE SEEN AND THE HIDDEN: (DIS)COVERING THE VEIL The woman's veil is one of the most symbolically charged pieces of clothing in contemporary dress; it is provocative even when it is not revealing. With roots in the three Abrahamic religions, it has become one of the most visible icons of contemporary Islam. The wearing of the veil conveys conflicting ideas of faith, sexuality and public life and thus raises a host of questions and tensions between religion and identity. It represents an important cultural tradition yet remains a very personal practice for women as well as a symbol communicated to others within the public sphere. The wearing of the veil has caused heated discussion worldwide - both in Europe and the United States, but also in countries where Islam is the prevalent religion. Often rejected as a symbol of backwardness and oppression, veiling has simultaneously become a symbol that stresses the significance of protection, privacy, morality and piety. By examining the positions of contemporary artists from the Greater Middle East (Iraq, Iran, Turkey, Pakistan), Europe (Austria, France, Germany) and North America (New York, Canada), this exhibition intends to be a trans-cultural exploration of the numerous approaches to the ideas that surround both the literal and metaphorical meaning of the veil. It includes works in a variety of media such as video, installation, photography, and painting. The Seen and the Hidden: (Dis)covering the Veil at the Austrian Cultural Forum is presented in conjunction with Muslim Voices: Arts and Ideas, an unprecedented ten-day festival in New York City celebrating Islamic culture.
---- Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona (MACBA)