Tuesday, December 29, 2009

--- Trebor Scholz: Post-Mortem Conference Mashup: The Internet as Playground and Factory, http://is.gd/5vCcv
--- Framework: The Finnish Art Review, http://www.frame-fund.fi
--- Removed from the Crowd: The Fate of Outer Planets, Skuc Gallery, Ljubljana, www.galerija.skuc-drustvo.si, 23 December - 15 January 2010, kép: Mladen Stilinovic, Izvađeni iz gomile, 1979
--- Monumenta 2010 / Christian Boltanski, 13 January - 21 February 2010, http://www.monumenta.com
--- 'Against all Reason. Surrealism Paris - Prague', Wilhelm-Hack-Museum&Kunstverein Ludwigshafen, www.surrealismus-ludwigshafen.de, until February 14, 2010
--- triple canopy http://canopycanopycanopy.com/
--- http://suicidemachine.org/
--- Where's the wind when it isn't blowing? – Political graphic novels from Albrecht Dürer to Art Spiegelman, December 19, 2009 - March 14, 2010, hamburg, http://www.kunstverein.de
--- Symbio, Vaclav Spala Gallery, Prague, www.spalovka.cz, December 21-February 14th, 2010
--- Jiri Skala announced the winner of the 2009 Jindrich Chalupecky Award, www.jchalupecky.cz, www.doxprague.org, Exhibition of the Finalists: 23.10.2009 - 10.1.2010
--- Fake'ology, http://www.neural.it/art/2009/12/neural_34_fakeology.phtml
--- http://www.arabshorts.net/ is a web-based project showcasing nine online, curated film programmes by nine curators from the Middle East and North Africa.
--- http://ofapeoplewhoaremissing.net/
--- e-flux journal reader 2009, ISBN 978-1-933128-81-8
--- Manifesta Journal #7 The Grammar of the Exhibition, www.manifestajournal.org
--- The Zero Dollar Laptop Project http://www.furtherfield.org/zerodollarlaptop.php
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
misc 20091216





--- Joseph Kosuth and Tsang Kin-Wah, 29 Nov, 2009 - Jan 17, 2010, Para/Site Art Space, Hong Kong
--- INERS HAPTIKOS, Lakner Antal, 2009. dec 11- 2010 jan 15. http://www.kisterem.hu/
--- The German Issue, Ed. Sylvère Lotringer, http://www.semiotexte.com
--- Kicsiny Balázs: A szobafestő halála, www.balazskicsiny.com
--- Die die Die Die verdammte gesamte Scheisse: Artist's books White Trash Contemporary, Hamburg, 27.11.2009 - 30.01.2010
--- Other Voices, Other Rooms – Attempt(S) at Reconstruction 50 years of Balázs Béla Studio, Dec 16, 2009 - Feb 21, 2010 http://www.mucsarnok.hu, http://www.bbsarchiv.hu
--- YIVF#05 Invisible Video! – everything connected, Yogyakarta International Videowork Festival #05, 11 - 20 dec 2009, http://natural-fiber.com
--- *Igerem, nem csinalok tobb muveszetet, *Mecs Miklos vetitese*, 2009.12.16. ArtBazis, és LETMINIMUM STANDARD PROJEKT 1984
--- Közvetett táj / Monitored Landscape, Robin Tarbet, 20091216-20100117, http://trafo.hu
--- KUMBAL, predvianočná akcia v Kresslingu, Bratislava, www.gallerykressling.sk Kumbál je predvianočná akcia pripravená pre verných návštevníkov, klientov či fanúšikov bratislavskej GALLERY KRESSLING. pre Vás otvoríme GALERIJNÝ DEPOZIT a Vy si v ňom budete mať možnosť prezrieť alebo kúpiť všetky výtvarné diela, ktoré máme za na naše dva a pol ročné fungovanie v galerijnom sklade. Počas týchto troch dní by sme s Vami radi prežili pár priateľských chvíľ pri malom občerstvení a zároveň si tým uctili Váš záujem o našu prácu. Pri tejto príležitosti si môžete pozrieť aktuálnu výstavu maďarského autora Janos Fajo, ktorý vystavuje nielen u nás, ale aj v priestoroch galérie Komart. Zoznam umelcov, ktorých si môžete pozrieť alebo kúpiť v našom galerijnom depozite: Evžen Šimera, Viktor Frešo, Martin Sedlák, Ivan Csudai, Julius Koller, Michal Czinege, Ondřej Brody, Boris Sirka, Vladimír Popovič, Milan Paštéka, Kristofer Paetau, Erik Binder, Kristina Mesaros, Milan Dobeš, Vladímir Havrila, Krištof Kintera, Janos Fajo, Cyril Blažo, Vojtech Kolenčík, Anton Jasuch, Rudolf Sikora, Rudolf Fila, Pavel Rudolf, Ludmila Hrachovinová, Marián Mudroch, Lukáš Haruštiak, Pavol Megyesi, Laco Teren.
--- "How to Read Lacan", by Slavoj Zizek, aaaarg Slavoj Zizek - How to Read Lacan
--- "Complaints: part II" by Donald Judd, aaaarg 1973 article by Donald Judd.
--- Dossier, 'What Makes Dance : From Plasticity to Performance', Bruxelles, www.lapartdeloeil.be
--- POTENCIÁLIS IZÉK, Lénárd Anna, Sophia Pompéry, 20091216-2010. január 15. http://www.magyarmuhely.hu/
--- www.lighthousecinema.ie, dublin
--- http://www.look.org.hu/
--- TEXTE ZUR KUNST, December 2009 / Issue No. 76, http://www.textezurkunst.de
--- Vándor Csaba : Kézbesítetlen, (Mécs Miklós) http://vandor.awardspace.com/portfolio.htm, http://szaf.blogspot.com/ közelítés galéria, 2009.dec.11.-2010.jan.5-ig
--- Which artists do collectors really like? http://www.independent-collectors.com/
--- Joanna Rajkowska: The Periscope, Dec 18, 2009 - Feb 15, 2010, Wyspa Institue of Art, Gdańsk, http://www.rajkowska.com
--- spike art quarterly, http://www.spikeart.at, bécs, http://spikeartguide.blogspot.com/
--- Jeppe Hein: CIRCUS HEIN, 21 - 25 April 2010, Art Cologne, http://www.openspace-cologne.com
Tuesday, December 08, 2009
misc 20091208





--- Issue 5 NOWISWERE, Contemporary Art Magazine, www.nowiswere.com
--- Marina Gadonneix: www.marinagadonneix.com
--- Shigeru Takato: www.shigerutakato.de
--- Ph-Budapest: http://ph-budapest.com
--- ferenczy zsolt, LANDMARK, A.P.A.! dec.04.
--- Herczeg Klára díj 2009: Szörényi Beatrix, feLugossy László, 2009. december 08-22., http://labor.c3.hu
--- e-flux journal - issue #11, "What is Contemporary Art?" http://e-flux.com/journal, This is the first of a two-part issue of e-flux journal devoted to the question "What is Contemporary Art?" as it was addressed in a public lecture series of the same name organized by Anton Vidokle at the Shanghai Art Fair in September 2009. Special thanks go to Colin Chinnery, Liam Gillick, and all who contributed to the series: Zdenka Badovinac, Hu Fang, Hal Foster, Boris Groys, Jörg Heiser, Carol Yinghua Lu, Cuauhtemoc Medina, Hans Ulrich Obrist, Raqs Media Collective (Jeebesh Bagchi, Monica Narula, and Shuddhabrata Sengupta), Dieter Roelstraete, Martha Rosler, Gao Shiming, and Jan Verwoert.
Julieta Aranda, Brian Kuan Wood, Anton Vidokle
--- PIK folyóirat, lapbemutat ( M.ICA, print akadémia)
--- Kisbali László: Sapere aude! Esztétikai és művelődéstörténeti írások, http://www.harmattan.hu/konyv_567.html, http://esztetika.elte.hu/kisbali/
--- No Room to Move: Radical Art and the Regenerate City, by Josephine Berry Slater and Anthony Iles
--- Len Lye the book, Govett-Brewster Art Gallery, New Plymouth, http://www.govettbrewster.com
Len Lye: A New Publication from the Govett-Brewster Art Gallery and Len Lye Foundation 2009
--- Eating the Universe. Food in Art, November 28, 2009 - February 28, 2010, Kunsthalle Düsseldorf, kép: BBB Johannes Deimling, BREAD or ALIVE, 2004, Video, Farbe, Ton, 9'27''
--- Artforum, http://www.artforum.com