Tuesday, December 29, 2009


--- SLIDING TIME Walter Verdin 2009, Corban / Artes.Leuven, www.corban.be - www.walterverdin.com, www.museodelprado.es - www.rogiervanderweyden.be
--- Trebor Scholz: Post-Mortem Conference Mashup: The Internet as Playground and Factory, http://is.gd/5vCcv
--- Framework: The Finnish Art Review, http://www.frame-fund.fi
--- Removed from the Crowd: The Fate of Outer Planets, Skuc Gallery, Ljubljana, www.galerija.skuc-drustvo.si, 23 December - 15 January 2010, kép: Mladen Stilinovic, Izvađeni iz gomile, 1979
--- Monumenta 2010 / Christian Boltanski, 13 January - 21 February 2010, http://www.monumenta.com
--- 'Against all Reason. Surrealism Paris - Prague', Wilhelm-Hack-Museum&Kunstverein Ludwigshafen, www.surrealismus-ludwigshafen.de, until February 14, 2010
--- triple canopy http://canopycanopycanopy.com/
--- http://suicidemachine.org/
--- Where's the wind when it isn't blowing? – Political graphic novels from Albrecht Dürer to Art Spiegelman, December 19, 2009 - March 14, 2010, hamburg, http://www.kunstverein.de
--- Symbio, Vaclav Spala Gallery, Prague, www.spalovka.cz, December 21-February 14th, 2010
--- Jiri Skala announced the winner of the 2009 Jindrich Chalupecky Award, www.jchalupecky.cz, www.doxprague.org, Exhibition of the Finalists: 23.10.2009 - 10.1.2010
--- Fake'ology, http://www.neural.it/art/2009/12/neural_34_fakeology.phtml
--- http://www.arabshorts.net/ is a web-based project showcasing nine online, curated film programmes by nine curators from the Middle East and North Africa.
--- http://ofapeoplewhoaremissing.net/
--- e-flux journal reader 2009, ISBN 978-1-933128-81-8
--- Manifesta Journal #7 The Grammar of the Exhibition, www.manifestajournal.org
--- The Zero Dollar Laptop Project http://www.furtherfield.org/zerodollarlaptop.php

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