Friday, April 03, 2009
misc 20090403
---- Altermodern Manifesto, Tate Triennial 2009, febr 4-ápr 26
Interjú Nicolaus Bourriauddal (4:07), Videó a kiállításról (Sodobna Umetnost 24:22)
---- S.M.A.K., Ghent, itt Dara Birnbaum Retrospective : the dark matter of media light, 04.04 - 02.08.2009
---- Calouste Gulbenkian Cultural Centre, Paris
---- fake or feint, Berlin
---- Horsecross, Perth
---- galeria raster, Varsó
---- werkstattgalerie, Berlin
---- g-mk | galerija miroslav kraljević, Zagreb, itt: Igor Grubic: 366 liberation rituals, 2009, márc 20- ápr 21.
---- “An Artist who Cannot Speak English is no Artist”, 1992 by Mladen Stilinović.---- Image - Music – Text, Roland Barthes, a.aaaarg, a classic collection of classic essays, among them "The Death of the Author", "From Work to Text", and "Change the Object Itself"
---- AAAARG új helye itt:
---- Baglyas Erika: Van fogalmunk róla, Szöveghasználat Rácz Márta műveiben, balkon
---- DIGIMAG 42 / MARCH 2009
---- The 4th Radiator festival. Going Underground - Surveillance and Sousveillance.
"A contemporary enactment of the Orwellian vision is now here and for real, millions of lensed spectres watch our every move around the country in the streets, as the constant drone of shopping serfs waddle around in their state imposed panopticon daze. In George Orwell's visionary novel Nineteen Eighty-Four the Thought Police could view and control citizens at any moment via a tele-screen, no one new whether they were being watched or not. Today, the UK Government is so rabid in its support of technocratic solutions to control its citizens, we are now the most watched soap opera by the powers that be on the planet. Us, who live in Britain are presently monitored by 4 million CCTV cameras, and if you happen to be living in London you are likely to be viewed on camera about 300 times a day."
---- James Elkins: Artists with PhDs On the New Doctoral Degree in Studio Art, New Academia Publishing, LLC (March 9, 2009) (amazon) 2009/03